Russia Scandi

Russia Scandi

5 feefo Reviews

  • Anonymous November 2018

    The destinations were some of the most beautiful in north-east Europe, the food was great ( often even three dishes, on road always grand buffets) , accommodation was good (often even hotels, apart from one 8-share room in the hostel in Warsaw) and lots of days free for individual activities

  • Anonymous November 2017
  • Anonymous November 2017

    Generally the optional extras were very good, and worth doing (my policy is generally to do everything offered). There were one or two things that in hindsight I perhaps could have missed (i.e. the Moscow Armoury tour), but the price point was still such that there was no reason not to go.

  • Emilie M November 2017

    Loved every single country and every single thing we got to experience. What a beautiful collection of countries and moments

  • Laura R May 2017

    El tour está muy bien organizado, los lugares visitados y el tiempo en ellos es perfecto.

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