This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Anonymous October 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Min tur tværs over USA var helt fantastisk, og det var min første gang med Topdeck. Tidligere har jeg været på to rundrejser med et andet selskab, men dette var uden tvivl den bedste oplevelse, både i forhold til kvalitet og oplevelser. Jeg var utrolig heldig at få Jessica som guide, og hun er den bedste, jeg nogensinde har haft. Hun var altid i godt humør, sjov, positiv og hjælpsom, uanset tidspunktet på dagen eller natten. Hun gik også den ekstra mil og sørgede for at skaffe os billigere billetter til spontane begivenheder som en baseballkamp og skarpe priser i Las Vegas. Jeg vil uden tvivl spørge efter at få hende som guide igen – hun er i en klasse for sig og har et stort naturligt talent for dette guidearbejde.

Generelt var både destinationerne og kvaliteten af hoteller og hostels virkelig gode. Der var også god morgenmadsbuffet mange steder. Dog vil jeg ikke anbefale det første hostel i New York, da stemningen var ret tam. Jeg vil foreslå Topdeck at overveje The Local i Long Island City som et alternativ. Vi manglede også en unik fælles New York oplevelse efter min opfattelse. Selve bussen var komfortabel og havde et toilet ombord, men jeg tvivler på, om airconditionen var rengjort før afrejse, og om den måske kørte for længe ad gangen, da flere begyndte at hoste inkl. mig selv. Antallet af pauser var passende, med stop ca. hver anden time, hvilket passede godt til toiletbesøg.

Indkvarteringen bestod primært af hoteller med to personer pr. værelse, hvilket fungerede fint, mens vi kun boede på hostels i Washington og New York. Der var dog et kærestepar, som snart skulle giftes, der ikke fik lov at dele værelse på grund af Topdecks retningslinjer. Det synes jeg var ret underligt, især da andre selskaber tillader det. Det virkede uretfærdigt over for parret, som ikke var blevet informeret på forhånd. En simpel underskrevet erklæring kunne måske have løst problemet nemt. Undersøg eventuelt dette hvis du rejser med din kæreste.

Maden var en af de få skuffelser på turen. Kvaliteten af de restauranter, vi spiste på, var for det meste under middel. Så overvej at vælge en billig ret fra menukortet. Den eneste restaurant, der virkelig var pengene værd, var Applebee's. Det var også dejligt, at der var inkluderet et måltid i Las Vegas, hvor priserne er høje. Restaurantoplevelserne i New York og New Orleans var de mest skuffende – kedelige lokaler og middelmådig mad.

Det er kun små ting, som kan optimeres på denne tur og jeg giver mine VARMESTE anbefalinger til booke turen, da den er fantastisk sammensat! Det er primært Australiere som booker disse ture, men de er et fantastisk folk, som er virkelig sjove og hyggelige at rejse med.

Jeg kommer bestemt til at tage en Topdeck tur igen!

This item has a rating of 4 out of 5

Anonymous October 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

It was a great introduction the USA

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Anonymous October 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Jess and Will are absolute legends

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Finlay Fo October 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

The tour was amazing with lots of unique places to visit to experience the american culture. The tour guide jess was so much fun and such a fantastic person to guide us. She was so kind and thoughtful.

This item has a rating of 4 out of 5

Anonymous October 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Our tour guide Jess was amazing !! She definitely made the trip. There was some places it would've been nice to stay longer like vegas- we also arrived there on the Saturday so would've been better to arrive on a Friday so we had Friday and Saturday night out. More time needed at the grand canyon, if you did the helicopter tour their was barely any time to do the walk. Also way too many/ too long "'comfort stops" at shops. would rather have shortened those and just gotten to our destination sooner

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Joshua Gi October 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

This top deck tour was incredible. The group I had was amazing everyone becomes one big family by the end of it including our incredible tour guide Jess. This tour ensures you see everything you need to see from the big lights of New York and Vegas to the cowboys and cowgirls of Texas and the unbelievable views of the Grand Canyon and monument valley. This trip is perfect to meet an incredible bunch of people. Jess our tour guide was outstanding she put in so much work to ensure we had the most amazing time, from fun little games with prizes to being there if people seemed down. Jess you made an incredible impact on this trip thank you for everything

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Kaitlin Mc September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

I loved this trip so much. It went to all the best places, and a few hidden gems that are highly under appreciated. the duration was perfect at each destination and trip was a good length.

Nick (our tour guide) was the best man for the job! He gave the best recommendations and was transparent with his communication about additional activities and the local area.

We had a smaller group of travellers meaning everyone was a lot closer and connected with a smaller number of travellers, and I loved that!

Overall, it was the best few weeks and I would go back in a heartbeat! #TopdeckUSA2024

This item has a rating of 4 out of 5

Michelle Bu September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Really fun trip for any age. So much to be seen in each state and an all round great time.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Georgia Br September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

This trip was awesome and exceeded expectations. The trip went through some of the US’ best cities and I would highly recommend it to anyone considering! The Tour Director Nick was a legend, he made the bus trips so much fun, had strong historic knowledge of each of the places visited and even shared a map with all the cool spots for each city.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Anonymous September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Incredible trip, had the best time and met so many great people. Our trip leader Nick did an amazing job, helped make everything run smoothly and make sure everyone was enjoying the trip. Would absolutely recommend.

This item has a rating of 4 out of 5

Anonymous September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

I absolutely loved everything about the trip itself. We had a fantastic tour leader in Nick.
Nick was the perfect balance between trip leader and friend on this trip and really helped me enjoy America.
Our bus driver Will was funny and brought a lot of entertainment to the trip. Together they truely made my experience one to remember.

The activities and destinations on the trip were great and everywhere we stopped had something different to offer. I really had a trip of a lifetime.

My only issues with this trip was that before hand it seemed a little disjointed. I had previously travelled with Topdeck in Europe and before hand our leader was able to reach out to everyone and also members of the tour were able to contact and communicate with each other through the app. This was no longer the case and I believe everyone found that somewhat frustrating. This is where I believe Topdeck could improve.

But all round I had a great experience. Thank you Topdeck, Will, and Nick !!

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Anonymous September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Had an awesome time in the US, travelling from east to west. Got to meet a whole bunch of cool people and see and do a whole lot of things I've only ever dreamed of. Nick from Topdeck was a phenomenal tour leader with a lot of knowledge and a spectacular attitude. 100% would recommend

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Nikolai Tr September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Had a fantastic trip with Nick our great tour guide, and Will our great bus driver. We saw so much and with the help of our tour guide I think we were able to see much more of the cities and places we visited than a regular tour (e.g with some inclusions of optional scavenger hunt type games and other activities).

The only improvement I would make to the trip is to add more days! But I understand it's quite long already

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Darcy Th September 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Trip was amazing! Great tour guide and bus driver. It was a nice size group as well.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Nicholas Ir September 2024

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This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Jamaikah Fe February 2024

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Saw so many cool sights and places and travelled through so many states it was amazing. Everything was planned really well and had a great group of people and amazing tour guide (Mike Manship) that made it so much better. Loved Mike’s added entertainment on the bus and historical info for each place we went

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

annabelle ha January 2024

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This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Court December 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Hands down the best international tour I have ever taken. You get the big cities, you get the breath taking nature and you get hidden gems that your tour leader will show you.

The honky tonks and whiskey in Nashville, the Gumbo and street music in New Orleans, everything about New Mexico and the vibes of Fort Worth are absolute highlights and can't be missed. I'd go tomorrow to the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley again. Make sure you do the helicopter over the grand canyon, best money you will spend in the states.

I'd do this trip again in a heartbeat, especially if I knew we were gonna have the same trip leader.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Ava Ge November 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

I saw everything that I wanted to see in just under a month. I met new and fantastic people who I will keep in contact with and will see again.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Josh Ta September 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

I thoroughly enjoyed my east to west USA tour. Firstly, I can’t thank Alyson (our tour guide) and William (our bus driver) enough. They were punctual, informative and extremely accomodating throughout our whole tour. they really set the mood of everyday and I don’t believe the tour would have been as enjoyable as it was without them.

All our accomodation was clean, comfortable and reasonably located for the city we were in.

Alyson was extremely knowledgeable about every city and attraction and even provided run downs of what amenities and restaurants were available at every rest stop. This allowed us to make the most of our time wherever and we found ourselves.

An extended amount of time in Philadelphia would have been preferred but other than that I couldn’t sing higher praises.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Kyle Mc September 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Amazing people and amazing locations.

This item has a rating of 4 out of 5

Anonymous August 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

The trip covers a LOT and some days are very long/tiring but it is all worth it! Amazing optional activities and scenery everywhere we went. So much fun and great value for money.

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Anonymous August 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Preis - Leistung und Spaß in guter Balance

This item has a rating of 5 out of 5

Anonymous August 2023

Customer feedback powered by Feefo

Optional activities and included ones were excellent. Accomodation was amazing and well located at most stops. Would have been ideal to stay on the strip in Vegas. Would recommend this trip to anyone travelling the U.S solo

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